


  1. A. Hota, J. Schönwälder: A Bayesian Model Combination based approach to Active Malware Analysis. IEEE Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience Workshop on Data Science for Cyber Security, July 2022


  1. M. Wolf, J. Schönwälder: Applying Metamorphic Testing to Homomorphic Cryptography. 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing (MET 2021), June 2021


  1. M. Granderath, J. Schönwälder: A Resource Efficient Implementation of the RESTCONF Protocol for OpenWrt Systems. 17th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2020), April 2020 (best experience paper award)
  2. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 58(3), March 2020


  1. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 57(7), July 2019
  2. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: A Longitudinal View of Dual-stacked Websites: Failures, Latency and Happy Eyeballs. IEEE Transactions on Networking 27(2), April 2019
  3. M. Björklund, J. Schönwälder, P. Shafer, K. Watsen, R. Wilton: RESTCONF Extensions to Support the Network Management Datastore Architecture. RFC 8527, March 2019
  4. M. Björklund, J. Schönwälder, P. Shafer, K. Watsen, R. Wilton: NETCONF Extensions to Support the Network Management Datastore Architecture. RFC 8526, March 2019
  5. A. Bierman, M. Björklund, J. Schönwälder, K. Watsen, R. Wilton: YANG Library. RFC 8525, March 2019
  6. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: 0 Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 57(1), January 2019


  1. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 56(7), July 2018
  2. J. van der Hooft, M. Claeys, N. Bouten, T. Wauters, J. Schönwälder, A. Pras, B. Stiller, M. Charalambides, R. Badonnel, J. Serrat, C.R.P. dos Santos, F. de Turck: Updated Taxonomy for the Network and Service Management Research Field. Journal of Network and Systems Management 26(3), Springer, July 2018
  3. M. Björklund, J. Schönwälder, P. Shafer, K. Watsen, R. Wilton: Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA). RFC 8342, March 2018
  4. M. Charalambides, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 56(1), January 2018


  1. V. Bajpai, S. Ahsan, J. Schönwälder, J. Ott: Measuring YouTube over IPv6. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 47(5), October 2017
  2. V. Bajpai, S.J. Eravuchira, J. Schönwälder: Dissecting Last-mile Latency Characteristics. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 47(5), October 2017
  3. T. Friedman, A. Pras, J. Schönwälder: Using Networks to Teach About Networks (Report on Dagstuhl Seminar #17112). Dagstuhl Reports 7(3), October 2017
  4. V. Bajpai, M. Kühlewind, J. Ott, J. Schönwälder, A. Sperotto, B. Trammell: Challenges with Reproducibility. ACM SIGCOMM 2017 Reproducibility Workshop, August 2017
  5. J. Schönwälder, V. Bajpai: A YANG Data Model for LMAP Measurement Agents. RFC 8194, August 2017
  6. T. Burbridge, P. Eardley, M. Bagnulo, J. Schönwälder: Information Model for Large-Scale Measurement Platforms (LMAPs). RFC 8193, August 2017
  7. J. Schönwälder, T. Friedman, A. Pras: Using Networks to Teach About Networks (Report on Dagstuhl Seminar #17112). ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 47(3), July 2017
  8. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 55(7), July 2017
  9. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: Understanding the Impact of Network Infrastructure Changes using Large-Scale Measurement Platforms. 15th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2017), May 2017 (best dissertation paper award)
  10. V. Bajpai, S.J. Eravuchira, J. Schönwälder, R. Kisteleki, E. Aben: Vantage Point Selection for IPv6 Measurements: Benefits and Limitations of RIPE Atlas Tags. 15th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2017), May 2017
  11. P. Aitken, B. Claise, Srikar, C. McDowall, J. Schönwälder: Exporting MIB Variables using the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol. RFC 8038, May 2017
  12. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: Network Flow Query Language – Design, Implementation, Performance and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 14(1), March 2017
  13. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 55(1), January 2017


  1. S.J. Eravuchira, V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder, S. Crawford: Measuring Web Similarity from Dual-stacked Hosts. 12th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2016), October 2016
  2. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 54(7), July 2016
  3. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: Measuring the Effects of Happy Eyeballs. Applied Networking Research Workshop, July 2016
  4. C.R.P. dos Santos, J. Famaey, J. Schönwälder, L.Z. Granville, A. Pras, F. De Turck: Taxonomy for the Network and Service Management Research Field. Journal of Network and Systems Management 24(3), Springer, July 2016
  5. V. Bajpai, A.W. Berger, P. Eardley, J. Ott, J. Schönwälder: Global Measurements: Practice and Experience (Dagstuhl Seminar 16012). Dagstuhl Reports 6(1), May 2016
  6. V. Bajpai, A.W. Berger, P. Eardley, J. Ott, J. Schönwälder: Global Measurements: Practice and Experience (Report on Dagstuhl Seminar #16012). ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 46(2), April 2016
  7. A. Mayzaud, A. Sehgal, R. Badonnel, I. Chrisment, J. Schönwälder: Using the RPL Protocol for Supporting Passive Monitoring in the Internet of Things. 15th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2016), April 2016
  8. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 54(1), January 2016


  1. H.M. Tran, J. Schönwälder: DisCaRia – Distributed Case-based Reasoning System for Fault Management. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 12(4), December 2015
  2. H. Asai, M. MacFaden, J. Schönwälder, K. Shima, T. Tsou: Management Information Base for Virtual Machines Controlled by a Hypervisor. RFC 7666, October 2015
  3. A. Mayzaud, A. Sehgal, R. Badonnel, I. Chrisment, J. Schönwälder: Mitigation of Topological Inconsistency Attacks in RPL-based Low Power Lossy Networks. International Journal of Network Management 25(5), Wiley, September 2015
  4. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: A Survey on Internet Performance Measurement Platforms and Related Standardization Efforts IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 17(3), August 2015
  5. V. Bajpai, S.J. Eravuchira, J. Schönwälder: Lessons Learned from using the RIPE Atlas Platform for Measurement Research. ACM Computer Communication Review (CCR) 45(3), July 2015
  6. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 53(7), July 2015
  7. M. Badra, A. Luchuk, J. Schönwälder: Using the NETCONF Protocol over Transport Layer Security (TLS) with Mutual X.509 Authentication. RFC 7589, June 2015
  8. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: IPv4 versus IPv6 - Who connects faster?. IFIP Networking Conference 2015, May 2015
  9. M. Ersue, D. Romascanu, J. Schönwälder, A. Sehgal: Management of Networks with Constrained Devices: Use Cases. RFC 7548, May 2015
  10. M. Ersue, D. Romascanu, J. Schönwälder, U. Herberg: Management of Networks with Constrained Devices: Problem Statement and Requirements. RFC 7547, May 2015
  11. S. Ahsan, V. Bajpai, J. Ott, J. Schönwälder: Measuring YouTube from Dual-stacked Hosts. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2015), Springer LNCS 8995, March 2015
  12. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: A Report on the 1st NMRG Workshop on Large Scale Network Measurements. Journal of Network and Systems Management 23(1), January 2015
  13. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 53(1), January 2015


  1. M. Björklund, J. Schönwälder: A YANG Data Model for SNMP Configuration. RFC 7407, December 2014
  2. J. Schönwälder, A. Sehgal, T. Tsou, C. Zhou: Definition of Managed Objects for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs). RFC 7388, October 2014
  3. A. Sehgal, A. Mayzaud, R. Badonnel, I. Chrisment, J. Schönwälder: Addressing DODAG Inconsistency Attacks in RPL Networks. Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2014), September 2014
  4. G. Pavlou, J. Schönwälder: Network and Service Management (Series Editorial). IEEE Communications Magazine 52(7), July 2014
  5. A. Mayzaud, A. Sehgal, R. Badonnel, I. Chrisment, J. Schönwälder: A Study of RPL DODAG Version Attacks. 8th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2014), June-July 2014 (best paper award)
  6. A. Siljanovski, A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: Service Discovery in Resource Constrained Networks using Multicast DNS. 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2014), June 2014
  7. R. Schmidt, R. Sadre, N. Melnikov, J. Schönwälder, A. Pras: Linking Network Usage Patterns to Traffic Gaussianity Fit. IFIP Networking Conference 2014, June 2014
  8. M. Bagnulo, T. Burbridge, S. Crawford, P. Eardley, J. Schönwälder, B. Trammell: Building a Standard Measurement Platform. IEEE Communications Magazine 52(5), May 2014
  9. C. Tsiaras, A. Sehgal, S. Seeber, D. Dönni, B. Stiller, J. Schönwälder, G. Rodosek: Towards Evaluating Type of Service Related Quality-of-Experience on Mobile Networks. 7th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2014), May 2014
  10. V. Bajpai, R. Krejčí: Managing SamKnows Probes using NETCONF. 14th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2014), May 2014
  11. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: NETCONF Interoperability Lab. 14th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2014), May 2014
  12. P. Eardly, M. Mellia, J. Ott, J. Schönwälder, H. Schulzrinne: Global Measurement Framework (Dagstuhl Seminar 13472). Dagstuhl Reports 3(11), March 2014


  1. S. Seeber, A. Sehgal, B. Stelte, G. Dreo Rodosek, J. Schönwälder: Towards A Trust Computing Architecture for RPL in Cyber Physical Systems. 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2013), October 2013
  2. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: Measuring TCP Connection Establishment Times of Dual-Stacked Web Services. 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2013), October 2013
  3. J. Schönwälder: Common YANG Data Types. RFC 6991, July 2013
  4. M. Bagnulo, T. Burbridge, S. Crawford, P. Eardley, J. Schönwälder: A Framework for Large-scale Measurements. Future Network and Mobile Summit 2013, July 2013
  5. V. Bajpai, J. Schönwälder: Understanding the Impact of Network Infrastructure Changes using Large-Scale Measurement Platforms. 7th Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2013), Springer LNCS 7943, June 2013
  6. V. Bajpai, J. Schauer, J. Schönwälder: NFQL: A Tool for Querying Network Flow Records. 13th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, May 2013
  7. V. Bashko, N. Melnikov, A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: BonaFide: A Traffic Shaping Detection Tool for Mobile Networks. 13th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, May 2013
  8. M. Tauber, S.N. Bhatti, N. Melnikov, J. Schönwälder: The Case for Heterogeneous WLAN Environments for Converged Networks. International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2013), January 2013


  1. A. Sehgal, V. Perelman, S. Kuryla, J. Schönwälder: Management of Resource Constrained Devices in the Internet of Things. IEEE Communications Magazine 50(12), December 2012
  2. V. Bajpai, V. Bashko, C. David, S. Kuryla, V. Perelman, J. Schauer, N. Melnikov, A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: Design and Prototype Implementation of the WattsApp Telemetry Platform. International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2012), November 2012
  3. J. Schönwälder: Translation of Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2) MIB Modules to YANG Modules. RFC 6643, July 2012
  4. V. Bajpai, N. Melnikov, A. Sehgal, Schönwälder: Flow-based Identification of Failures Caused by IPv6 Transition Mechanisms. 6th Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2012), Springer LNCS 7279, June 2012
  5. K. Korte, A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: A Study of the RPL Repair Process using ContikiRPL. 6th Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2012), Springer LNCS 7279, June 2012


  1. A. Sehgal, C. David, J. Schönwälder: Energy Consumption Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2011, September 2011
  2. R. Enns, M. Björklund, J. Schönwälder, A. Bierman: Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF). RFC 6241, June 2011
  3. I. Drago, R.R.R Barbosa, R. Sadre, A. Pras, J. Schönwälder: Report of the Second Workshop on the Usage of NetFlow/IPFIX in Network Management. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 19(2), June 2011
  4. S. Kuryla, J. Schönwälder: Evaluation of the Resource Requirements of SNMP Agents on Constrained Devices. 5th Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2011), Springer LNCS 6734, June 2011
  5. V. Perelman, N. Melnikov, J. Schönwälder: Flow Signatures of Popular Applications. 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, May 2011
  6. J. Schönwälder, V. Marinov: On the Impact of Security Protocols on the Performance of SNMP. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 8(1), April 2011
  7. B. Linowski, M. Ersue, S. Kuryla: Extending YANG with Language Abstractions. RFC 6095, March 2011
  8. H.M. Tran, J. Schönwälder: Evaluation of the Distributed Case-based Reasoning System Discaria on a Distributed Computing Platform. 7th International Symposium on Frontiers of Information Systems and Network Applications (FINA 2011), March 2011
  9. I. Tumar, A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: Impact of Mobility Patterns on the Performance of a Disruption Tolerant Network with Multi-Radio Energy Conservation. 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2011), March 2011


  1. J. Schönwälder: Common YANG Datatypes. RFC 6021, October 2010
  2. I. Tumar, A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: Performance Evaluation of a Multi-Radio Energy Conservation Scheme for Disruption Tolerant Networks. 8th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac 2010), October 2010
  3. J. Schönwälder, M. Björklund, P. Shafer: Network Configuration Management using NETCONF and YANG. IEEE Communications Magazine 48(9), September 2010
  4. K. Kanev, N. Melnikov, J. Schönwälder: Implementation of a Stream-based Flow Query Language. 4th Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2010), Springer LNCS 6155, June 2010 (best paper award)
  5. A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: Adaptive Underwater Acoustic Communications. 4th Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2010), Springer LNCS 6155, June 2010
  6. N. Melnikov, J. Schönwälder: Cybermetrics: User Identification Through Network Flow Analysis. 4th Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2010), Springer LNCS 6155, June 2010
  7. D.A. Keim, A. Pras, J. Schönwälder, P.C. Wong, F. Mansmann: Report on the Dagstuhl Seminar on Visualization and Monitoring of Network Traffic. Journal of Network and Systems Management 18(2), June 2010
  8. A. Sehgal, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: AquaTools: An Underwater Acoustic Networking Simulation Toolkit. IEEE Oceans, May 2010
  9. A. Sehgal, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: Effects of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification on Underwater Acoustic Communications. IEEE Oceans, May 2010


  1. A. Pras, R. Sadre, A. Sperotto, T. Fioreze, D. Hausheer, J. Schönwälder: Using NetFlow / IPFIX for Network Management. Journal of Network and Systems Management 17(4), December 2009
  2. L. Andrey, O. Festor, A. Lahmadi, A. Pras, J. Schönwälder: Survey of SNMP Performance Analysis Studies. International Journal of Network Management 19(6), Wiley, November 2009
  3. V. Marinov, J. Schönwälder: Design of a Stream-based IP Flow Record Query Language. 20th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM 2009), Springer LNCS 5841, October 2009
  4. S. Bhushan, H.M. Tran, J. Schönwälder: NCClient: A Python Library for NETCONF Clients. 9th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM 2009), Springer LNCS 5843, October 2009
  5. J. Schönwälder, A. Clemm, A. Karmakar: Definitions of Managed Objects for Mapping SYSLOG Messages to Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Notifications. RFC 5676, October 2009
  6. V. Marinov, J. Schönwälder: Mapping Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Notifications to SYSLOG Messages. RFC 5675, October 2009
  7. K.D. Korte, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: Evaluation of IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks Implementations. 4th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2009), October 2009
  8. H.M. Tran, C. Lange, G. Chulkov, J. Schönwälder, M. Kohlhase: Applying Semantic Techniques to Search and Analyze Bug Tracking Data. Journal of Network and Systems Management 17(3), Springer, September 2009
  9. J. Schönwälder, M. Fouquet, G. Dreo Rodosek, I. Hochstatter: Future Internet = Content + Services + Management. IEEE Communications Magazine 47(7), July 2009
  10. D. Harrington, J. Schönwälder: Transport Subsystem for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). RFC 5590, June 2009
  11. I. Tumar, A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: Power Management for Acoustic Underwater Networks. 6th IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2009), June 2009
  12. H.M. Tran, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: NETCONF Interoperability Testing. 3rd Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2009), Springer LNCS 5637, June 2009
  13. P. Dobrev, S. Stancu-Mara, J. Schönwälder: Visualization of Node Interaction Dynamics in Network Traces. 3rd Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2009), Springer LNCS 5637, June 2009
  14. J. Schönwälder, G. Chulkov, E. Asgarov, M. Cretu: Session Resumption for the Secure Shell Protocol. 11th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2009), June 2009
  15. A. Sehgal, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: Variability of Available Capacity due to the Effects of Depth and Temperature in the Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel. IEEE OCEANS 2009, May 2009


  1. J. Schönwälder, D. Hausheer: Resilient Networks and Services: Report on AIMS 2008. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 16(4), December 2008
  2. H.M. Tran, J. Schönwälder: Fault Resolution in Case-based Reasoning. 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2008), Springer LNCS 5351, December 2008
  3. M. Harvan, J. Schönwälder: TinyOS Motes on the Internet: IPv6 over 802.15.4 (6lowpan). Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 31(4), October, 2008
  4. J. Schönwälder: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Traffic Measurements and Trace Exchange Formats. RFC 5345, October 2008
  5. H.M. Tran, G. Chulkov, J. Schönwälder: Crawling Bug Tracker for Semantic Bug Search. 19th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM 2008), Springer LNCS 5273, October 2008
  6. J. Schönwälder: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Context EngineID Discovery. RFC 5343, September 2008
  7. D. Hausheer, J. Schönwälder: Resilient Networks and Services - Proc. 2nd Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2008). Springer LNCS 5127, July 2008. ISBN 978-3-540-70586-4
  8. F. Liu, A. Hadjiantonis, H.M. Tran, M. Amin: An Architecture for Supporting Network Fault Recovery Management. 2nd Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2008), Bremen, Springer LNCS 5127, July 2008
  9. G. van den Broek, J. Schönwälder, A. Pras, M. Harvan: SNMP Trace Analysis Definitions. 2nd Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2008), Springer LNCS 5127, July 2008
  10. V. Marinov, J. Schönwälder: Design of an IP Flow Record Query Language. 2nd Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2008), Springer LNCS 5127, July 2008
  11. I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: Resource Management of Disruption Tolerant Networks. 2nd Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2008), Springer LNCS 5127, July 2008
  12. J. Schönwälder, R. State: Report on the 1st International Summer School on Network and Service Management. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 16(2), June 2008
  13. J. Schönwälder: Protocol-Independent Data Modeling: Lessons Learned from the SMIng Project. IEEE Communications Magazine 46(5):148-153, May 2008
  14. J. Schönwälder, V. Marinov, M. Burgess: Integrating cfengine and scli: Managing Network Devices like Host Systems. IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2008), April 2008


  1. J. Schönwälder: Internet Management Protocols. Elsevier Handbook of Network and System Administration, 2007
  2. A. Pras, J. Schönwälder, M. Burgess, O. Festor, G. Martinez Perez, R. Stadler, B. Stiller: Key Research Challenges in Network Management. IEEE Communications Magazine 45(10), October 2007
  3. H.M. Tran, J. Schönwälder: Fault Representation in Case-based Reasoning. 18th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM 2007), Springer LNCS 4785, October 2007
  4. H.M. Tran, J. Schönwälder: Heuristic Search using a Feedback Scheme in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks. 5th International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P 2007), Springer LNCS, September 2007
  5. A. Pras, J. Schönwälder, B. Stiller: Peer-to-Peer Technologies in Network and Service Management. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 15(3), September 2007
  6. H.M. Tran, J. Schönwälder: Distributed Case-based Reasoning for Fault Management. 1st Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2007), Springer LNCS 4543, June 2007
  7. J. Schönwälder, A. Pras, M. Harvan, J. Schippers, R. van de Meent: SNMP Traffic Analysis: Approaches, Tools, and First Results. 10th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2007), May 2007
  8. Y. Diao, A. Keller, S. Parekh, V. Marinov: Predicting Labor Cost through IT Management Complexity Metrics. 10th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2007), May 2007
  9. H.V. Balan, L. Eggert, S. Niccolini, M. Brunner: An Experimental Evaluation of Voice Quality over the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol. 26th IEEE INFOCOM 2007, May 2007
  10. B. Stiller, J. Schönwälder, G. Dreo Rodosek: Guest Editorial Current Trends in Network and Service Management. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 30(2), April 2007


  1. J. Schönwälder, T. Jeffree: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) over IEEE 802 Networks. RFC 4789, November 2006
  2. V. Marinov, J. Schönwälder: Performance Analysis of SNMP over SSH. 17th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM 2006), Springer LNCS 4269, October 2006
  3. M. Harvan, J. Schönwälder: Prefix- and Lexicographical-order-preserving IP Address Anonymization. 10th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, April 2006
  4. J. Schönwälder, J. Serrat: Ambient Networks - A Report on DSOM 2005. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 14(1), March 2006


  1. R. Boutaba, G. Goldszmidth, H.G. Hegering, J. Schönwälder, M. Sloman: Guest Editorial Autonomic Communication Systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 23(12), December 2005
  2. J. Schönwälder, J. Serrat: Ambient Networks - Proc. 16th IFIP/IEEE Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management. Springer LNCS 3775, October 2005. ISBN 3-540-29388-4
  3. D. Black, K. McCloghrie, J. Schönwälder: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Scheme for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). RFC 4088, June 2005
  4. J. Schönwälder: Characterization of SNMP MIB Modules. 9th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2005), May 2005
  5. M. Daniele, B. Haberman, S. Routhier, J. Schönwälder: Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses. RFC 4001, February 2005


  1. F. Strauß, J. Schönwälder: Next Generation Structure of Management Information (SMIng) Mappings to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). RFC 3781, May 2004
  2. F. Strauß, J. Schönwälder: SMIng - Next Generation Structure of Management Information. RFC 3780, May 2004

20 Years Network Management Research Group

The Network Management Research Group of the Internet Research Task Force got 20 years old, it was approved on March 14th, 1999. We had a short retrospective at the 104th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force in Prague today. It is interesting to reflect on which problems we made progress and which problems are still largely unsolved. We surely have much better network management technologies in place today compared to what we had 20 years back. If we, however, look at high level abstractions to express how a network should provide its services, we still seem to be searching for the holy grail.

Vantage Point Selection for IPv6 Measurements: Benefits and Limitations of RIPE Atlas Tags

We discussed the usage of system tags for performing vantage point selection of dual-stacked probes. Our exploration reveals how with around 2K dual-stacked probes, RIPE Atlas provides the richest source of vantage points for IPv6 measurement studies. User tags on the other hand are based on a manual process which is largely dependent on proactive participation of probe hosts. We show that user tags tend to become stale over time. This work was presented at the MAT working group at RIPE 72 meeting in Copenhagen. A recording of the presentation can be found on Vimeo.

Lessons Learned From Using the RIPE Atlas Platform for Measurement Research

We gave a talk in which we share our experiences and lessons learned from using the RIPE Atlas platform for conducting measurement research. We describe how subtle rate limits can affect experiment design. We show how calibration of probes from hardware revision down to the firmware version is useful when analyzing measurement results. We describe the usefulness by showing how different hardware revisions affect measurement results. We show how per-hop aggregation mistakes during data analysis can have impacts on measurement results. A recording of the talk can be found on Vimeo.

IPv6 Traffic Growth Update #2

Here is another update of our IPv6 traffic. Averaged over the last year, the IPv6 traffic is about 5% of the overall Internet traffic we have. This is pretty good given the fact that only some parts of Jacobs' network currently advertises IPv6. In particular, we have no IPv6 in the student dorms (and the graph clearly suggests that students are a major contributor to our Internet traffic - in particular during finals periods).

Measuring Happy Eyeballs at RIPE 66

Vaibhav Bajpai gave a talk about his work on measuring the effectiveness of happy eyeballs at the RIPE 66 meeting.

The IETF has developed solutions that promote a healthy IPv4 and IPv6 co-existence. The happy eyeballs algorithm for instance, provides recommendations to application developers to help prevent bad user experience in situations where IPv6 connectivity is broken. We study the effectiveness of the happy eyeballs algorithm.

A recording of the talk can be found on Vimeo.