
Bachelor Thesis and Seminar in Computer Science



Activity Deadline
Kickoff meeting 2025-02-03 (Monday)
Supervisor and topic selection 2025-02-17 (Monday)
Presentations 2025-05-12 (Monday)
Presentations 2025-05-13 (Tuesday)
Presentations 2025-05-14 (Wednesday)
Thesis submission 2025-05-20 (Tuesday)
Thesis submission (extensions) 2025-06-30 (Monday)

We expect students to take the initiative and to drive the process. How self-organized students work is part of the assessment. In terms of effort, please note that 1 CP equals ~25 hours, i.e., the module has an average workload of 375 hours.

Bachelor Thesis and Seminar in Computer Science



Activity Deadline
Kickoff meeting 2024-02-05 (Monday)
Supervisor and topic selection 2024-02-15 (Thursday)
Presentations 2024-05-13 (Monday)
Presentations 2024-05-14 (Tuesday)
Presentations 2024-05-15 (Wednesday)
Thesis submission 2024-05-20 (Monday)
Presentations (extension) 2024-06-26 (Wednesday)
Thesis submission (extension) 2024-06-30 (Sunday)
Presentations (exceptional extension) 2024-08-19 (Monday)
Thesis submission (exceptional extension) 2024-08-22 (Thursday)

We expect students to take the initiative and to drive the process. How self-organized students work is part of the assessment. In terms of effort, please note that 1 CP equals ~25 hours, i.e., the module has an average workload of 375 hours.

Student Thesis Topics (2024)

I will supervise BSc thesis projects in Spring 2024. Since I have limited supervision capacity, I typically take the first N students following more or less a first-come, first-served strategy. I like to form clusters of students working on related topics, and I organize weekly (online) meetings with these clusters. We use a collaborative note taking tool to track progress. The work itself is taking place in two phases. In the first phase, students will dive into the state of the art of their topic, resulting in a state of the art report. I will review these reports and provide feedback. In the second phase, students focus on their own contribution, and they will finally write their thesis. The thesis naturally builds on the state of the art report and extends it with the work describing the contribution. Before submitting the thesis, students have to present and defend their work in the BSc thesis seminar. The seminar grade is given for the presentation. The thesis grade is given for the thesis report, the technical accomplishments, including the work organization (regular participation in weekly meetings and steady progress).

CS Bachelor Thesis and Seminar in Computer Science



Activity Deadline
Kickoff meeting 2023-02-06 (Monday)
Topic/supervisor selection 2023-02-14 (Tuesday)
Presentations 2023-05-08 (Monday)
Presentations 2023-05-09 (Tuesday)
Presentations 2023-05-10 (Wednesday)
Thesis submission 2023-05-16 (Tuesday)

We expect that our students take the initiative and drive the process. How self-organized students work is part of the assessment. In terms of effort, please note that 1 CP equals ~25 hours, i.e., the module has an average workload of 375 hours.

Student Thesis Topics (2023)

I will supervise BSc thesis projects in Spring 2023. Since I have limited supervision capacity, I typically take the first N students following more or less a first-come, first-served strategy. I like to form clusters of students working on related topics, and I organize weekly (online) meetings with the clusters. We use a collaborative note taking tool to track progress. The work itself is taking place in two phases. In the first phase, students will dive into the state of the art of their topic, and they produce a state of the art report. I will review these reports and provide feedback. In the second phase, students focus on their own contribution, and they will finally write their thesis. The thesis naturally builds on the state of the art report and extends it with the work describing the contribution. Before submitting the thesis, students have to present and defend their work. The seminar grade is given for the presentation. The thesis grade is given for the thesis report, the technical accomplishments, including the work organization (regular participation in weekly meetings and steady progress).

CS Bachelor Thesis and Seminar in Computer Science



Activity Deadline
Project and thesis kickoff meeting 2022-02-07 (Monday)
Project topic/supervisor selection 2022-02-14 (Monday)
Presentations 2022-05-09 (Monday)
Presentations 2022-05-10 (Tuesday)
Presentations 2022-05-11 (Wednesday)
Bachelor thesis submission 2022-05-17 (Tuesday)

We expect that our students take the initiative and drive the process. How self-organized students work is part of the assessment. In terms of effort, please note that 1 CP equals ~25 hours, i.e., the module has an average workload of 375 hours.

Student Thesis Topics (2021/2022)

Below is a collection of ideas for student projects. I am mostly writing down topic clusters I am interested in as I strongly prefer to have multiple students working on related topics within a topic cluster.

If you are interested in systems-oriented computer science and computer security, talk to me in person. In general I expect that students have a solid understanding of operating systems and computer networks and that they are able to handle programming tasks well and that they can work independently.

CS Bachelor Project and Thesis



Activity Deadline
Project topic/supervisor selection (campus track) 2020-09-18 (Friday)
Project topic/supervisor selection (world track) 2021-02-08 (Monday)
Project and thesis kickoff meeting 2021-02-08 (Monday)
Presentations 2021-05-10 (Monday)
Presentations 2021-05-11 (Tuesday)
Bachelor thesis submission 2021-05-17 (Monday)

We expect that our students take the initiative and drive the process. How self-organized students work is part of the assessment. In terms of effort, please note that 1 CP equals ~25 hours.

Student Project and Thesis Topics (2020/2021)

Below is a collection of ideas for student projects. Some are half-backed, some are not even written down. If you are interested in systems-oriented computer science and computer security, talk to me in person. In general I expect that students have a solid understanding of operating systems and computer networks and that they are able to handle programming tasks well.

Trusted Execution Environments

Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) such as ARM's Trustzone or Intel's Enclave are secure areas inside a main processor. The idea is that data and applications contained in TEEs is protected with respect to confidentiality and integrity. Systems execute a trusted operating system inside the TEE and they may load trusted applications into the TEE. The goal of this project is investigate the state of the art in TEEs and their open source software systems and to prototype novel trusted applications that may help to secure networked embedded devices.

CS Bachelor Project and Thesis



Activity Deadline
Project topic/supervisor selection (campus track) 2019-09-20 (Friday)
Project topic/supervisor selection (world track) 2020-02-03 (Monday)
Project and thesis kickoff meeting 2020-02-10 (Monday)
Presentations 2020-05-11 (Monday)
Presentations 2020-05-12 (Tuesday)
Bachelor thesis submission 2020-05-15 (Friday)

We expect that our students take the initiative and drive the process. How self-organized students work is part of the assessment. In terms of effort, please note that 1 CP equals ~25 hours.