RPL MIB Testbed
A RPL-MIB implementation, based on draft-sehgal-roll-rpl-mib-06, has been completed for the Contiki SNMP agent. An AVR Raven mote has been deployed for testing the MIB and is reachable via the following information:
Hostname: rpl-mib.eecs.jacobs-university.de Port: 1610
If using the Net-SNMP tools, you can retrieve all the MIB objects by using the following:
$ snmpwalk -v 1 -c public udp6:rpl-mib.eecs.jacobs-university.de:1610 1
The current RPL-MIB implementation is hosted under the Jacobs University private enterprise OID number. As such, in order to render the numeric OIDs you must install the JACOBS-SMI and JACOBS-RPL-MIB modules.